
Geneva 2012 review: Renault Zoe electric car

Renault launches production-ready Zoe in Geneva.

What is it?

The Zoe is a Clio-sized hatchback that Renault will add to its line-up by the autumn. But hang on, doesn't Renault already have a Clio-sized hatchback called the Clio? Yes, but the Zoe is a first for the sector by being a ZE (Zero Emissions) vehicle. Quite why Renault felt the need to create a completely new car we will never know but the French manufacturer claims that the Zoe will have a range of about 210 kilometres, which should go some way to combating the range anxiety normally associated with electric cars.

Why's it here?

The Zoe is an important cog in Renault's ZE plans. The funky supermini is equipped with an 88hp electric motor that provides 220Nm of torque. Unlike the rest of the Renault ZE range though it will - thanks to the preposterously named Chameleon charging system - be charged from a regular wall plug with a full charge taking nine hours. A charge from a dedicated charging point can replenish the battery in an hour.

Show stopper or floor filler?

The Geneva unveiling of the Zoe has actually caught many by surprise as the smart money was on Renault holding off until its home show in Paris to unveil what is an important car for the company. Offering useable range in a funky looking five-door hatch body may make this the most relevant electric car so far. Show stopping territory.

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Published on March 8, 2012