
Volkswagen supports Pedal to Poland

Football fans plan to cycle from Ireland to Poland for charity and arrive in time to see their team play in Euro 2012.

Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles is helping to bring together cycling and football by supporting Pedal to Poland - a charity cycle ride from Dublin to Gdansk in time for Euro 2012. 

Nine amateur cyclists will cover the 1,500-kilometre route over two weeks.  The crew intend to arrive in time to watch Ireland play Spain.  Money raised on the journey will go towards Arthritis Ireland, Headstrong (The National Centre for Youth Mental Health) and Renewable World.

The team came up with the idea for a cycle ride around Christmas time when they were discussing how to get to Euro 2012.  Volkswagen is providing backing by loaning a Crafter van as support vehicle for the duration of the trip.

The journey started on Tuesday (29th May).  One of Pedal to Poland's organisers, Declan Arthur, thanked Volkswagen for the loan of the Crafter.  Niall Phillips, Sales and Marketing Manager for Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles commented, "We are in full support of this initiative which certainly isn't the easiest way to get to the Euros".

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Published on May 31, 2012