
Change to registration plates proposed

Two-tier number plates could be on the way along with a way to avoid the dreaded '13' registration.

Sufferers of Triskaidekaphobia rejoice: it looks like you will not have to worry about buying a new car next year. According to reports in the Irish Independent on August 24 the Government is to introduce a new licence plate system amid fears that the age old superstition could adversely affect car sales.

According to the report, cars registered between January and June will carry a '131' registration with those registered from July 1 will bear a '132' plate. In addition to (in part) skirting around the '13' plate the Government appears to be making a concession to the Society of the Irish Motor Industry (SIMI) that has long lobbied for a two-tiered registration system to combat the seasonality of new car sales.

It is estimated that as much as 70 per cent of all new cars are sold within the first four months of the year. By having a second registration change in July (much like that currently used in the UK) it is hoped that there will be a mid-season pick-up in sales.

According to the Irish Independent a government spokesman confirmed that it "was actively considering the proposed change as part of a consultation process with the motor industry" but declined to comment on the issue as it may arise in December's Budget.

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Published on August 27, 2012