What's the news?
Infiniti is releasing a series of short online films to coincide with the launch of its new Q60 coupe (which probably won't be coming to Ireland). The first of these shorts features actor Kit Harington, AKA Jon Snow from Game of Thrones.
Kit gets behind the wheel of the Q60 sports coupe, which is powered by an all-new 3.0-litre V6 twin-turbo engine, and is seemingly so inspired by the car that he begins spouting off William Blake's The Tyger. Why? Well, Kit says: "What inspires me personally in my life, is a beautiful piece of writing. Something which is specific, delicate and beautiful".
And, according to Infiniti, Blake's The Tyger "captures the high-performance empowerment of the Q60". Handy that Kit knew all the words, then.
The premise for the film is to showcase Infiniti and Harington's shared ability to deliver an exhilarating performance.
Anything else?
You can watch his performance in this video. Brace yourself.
<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/_VV4cAYQX5o" width="560" height="315"></iframe>