
Tyres now the No.1 cause of NCT failure

Continental advising drivers to get tyres checked before the NCT test.

What's the news?

According to Applus, the company that oversees the NCT test in Ireland, the number one cause of vehicles failing their check-up is now bad tyres. Figures from NCT test centres show that cars are being presented with tyres below the minimum 1.6mm tread depth, tyres with dangerous damage such as cuts or bulges and even mismatched tyres on the same axle, such as two tyres with a different speed rating, or one summer and one winter tyre.

Some are presenting cars with tyres that are more than six years old, which is not an automatic fail, but which will trigger a 'pass advisory' note that suggests the tyres should be changed.

"The statistics about NCT failure causes are worrying on a number of levels," says Tom Dennigan of Continental Tyres (Ireland). "Firstly, it suggests that Irish motorists are simply not looking after their tyres; not checking them regularly and not having them fixed or replaced when they need to be. These statistics also raise serious questions about the quality of tyre testing in so-called 'pre-NCT' checks," Mr Dennigan goes on. "Are these pre-checks focusing solely on the mechanical performance of the car and not paying enough attention to the condition of the tyres? Are the garage staff carrying out the checks properly qualified to do so?"

"Our advice to motorists is to always, always get their tyres checked at a reputable tyre dealership where specially trained staff will identify any problems before it's too late. By all means book your pre-NCT test but never leave your tyre safety in the hands of someone not properly qualified. It could save you more than just time and money in the long run. Most reputable tyre outlets will happily provide you with a free tyre check," Mr Dennigan adds.

Anything else?

Read our popular Eight top tips on how to prepare your car for its NCT guide for more information.

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Published on August 30, 2017