
Is it time to consider an ex-demo car?

Sandyford Motor Centre talks us through the delivery of ex-demo cars.

Published on October 16, 2019

Sandyford Motor Centre has a great range of ex-demo 2019 Mazda cars available in its South Dublin showroom. You might be wondering what ex-demo cars are, and why is there such good value in going for them.

What are ex-demo cars?

Ex-demo cars are simply those that have been on display in a showroom and are now on sale at a reduced price. Generally, these cars have very low mileage, only built up from test drives with potential customers. The cars may also have been used for business reasons by management in the dealership or brought to marketing events to show them off.

Are ex-demo cars good value?

Ex-demo cars have historically represented great value for a few different reasons. First off, these cars usually come equipped with the latest and greatest technology, as well as some extra features added in. This is because the manufacturers want the test cars to be as enticing as possible, so when you purchase an ex-demo car you get these features with it included in the price. The cars are always in the best condition possible for the same reason.

Ex-demo cars come with a significant price slash, despite the numerous advantages. For example, when looking at ex-demo Mazda cars, a CX-5 in Sandyford Motor Centre is up to €5,000 cheaper than a new version of the same car.

The warranty on the car is always something to consider, so it is no different with ex-demo cars. Bear in mind the warranty begins when the vehicle is registered, rather than when you purchase it. Just make sure to check with your dealership when the warranty began, but generally it is within a few months.

Another advantage of an ex-demo car is that these cars are tried and tested by the experts in the dealership so you know they are ready for the road. Often minor manufacturer mishaps linger with a brand-new vehicle, but nearly new cars have the advantage of having these ironed out already by the dealership.

Sandyford Motor Centre

Sandyford Motor Centre is a Mazda and Peugeot dealership in South Dublin. It has dedicated pages on its website to showcase these nearly new ex-demonstrator vehicles. To view the complete list of savings and ex-demo vehicles available, click here.
