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Thoughts on importing my trike?


I am planning to bring my Honda Goldwing Trike from the UK to Ireland. Firstly due to having a vehicle into the country and VRT exempt on transfer of residency (TOR), will I be able to bring my trike in exempt under the same TOR? If not and VRT has to be paid could you give an idea on how much this would be please? The Trike is 27 years old and the 1500 GL model.

Thank you.

Kevin Farrer (Foxford)

Oct 2020 Filed under: importing

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Will I pay VAT on a 2016 import?


I am buying a 2016 Mercedes E-Class with 55mg/km NOx in December, which is already in Ireland; will I have to pay VAT? Or only VRT and NOx levy?



Adam Kornaszewski (Carrick-On-Shannon )

Nov 2020 Filed under: importing

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What tax rate applies to an imported car?

The tax on cars registered after Jan 2021 is €420 per annum for 161-170g/km. So is this the rate that applies if I import a 2016 from the UK in 2021?

Paul McCarthy (Dundalk)

Oct 2020 Filed under: importing

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How to register our Australian pickup here?


We have just moved back to Ireland from Australia - we are bringing our 2012 Mitsubishi Triton 2.4 GLR with the rest of our stuff but we are getting very confused with working out what we need to get it up and running when it arrives and the costs of re-registering it here. My husband will be using the truck for work - any help will be much appreciated.

Tracey Fitzgerald (Dublin)

Mar 2019 Filed under: importing

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How much VRT to import a van from NI?


We are hoping to import a van from NI and I understand that we have to pay VRT, but how is it calculated? Also is it more expensive to import a van that has more than three seats? The official websites are very confusing.

Brenda Coney

Oct 2020 Filed under: importing

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Looking at a BMW i8 import, now or in 2021?

I am looking at possibly purchasing a plug-in hybrid car imported from the UK (possibly registered Jan 2019). Its CO2 is 46g/km and NOx is 11mg/km. It is costing £63k Sterling and Revenue is estimating €99,000 for a BMW i8 Roadster less 33% deprecation.

If purchased before end of December there is 14% VRT (€11,600 approx.) and I believe there is a rebate of €2,250. How is this claimed back as a private individual?

If registered in January there is only 7% VRT; is this correct? So in theory less expensive in January 2021?

All presuming Brexit does not happen. If Brexit happens what is additional surcharge? Is it 10% on all UK imports over and above VRT?

Thanks for any info that would clarify above

Regards David  

David Fleming (Dublin)

Oct 2020 Filed under: importing

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Will no-deal Brexit mean more importing costs?

Will a 'no deal' Brexit make any difference to importing a second hand car from the UK in 2021? Extra costs like tariffs etc?

Thanks Dermot

Dermot Hedigan (Cork)

Oct 2020 Filed under: importing

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Should I register my imported pickup now?


I’m looking to buy a Toyota Hilux Active Double Cab pickup, a 3.0-litre automatic from Northern Ireland for £15,000. Would it benefit me to register it in Ireland before Jan 2021? Also, I’m using it for my business. How much will motor tax cost annually? I do not know what the NOx emissions are or where to obtain them.

Regards Donal Slattery

Eamon Slattery (Co Galway)

Oct 2020 Filed under: importing

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Will Budget 2021 impact costs of importing?


Will the new budget impact on importing a car from the UK, i.e. extra VRT and NOx charge?

Thomas Rooney (Clane)

Oct 2020 Filed under: importing

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Should I register my imported Mercedes now?


I have just bought a 2016 Mercedes-Benz V-Class V 250 d in the UK, which is due to arrive into the country this week. The CO2 is 166g/km and NOx is 0.063. What will I be paying to tax the car annually and on the basis there are new rules for registered cars in 2021 is there any sense in keeping the car in UK until January and registering in Ireland then?

I am a little confused now with the new regime!

Brian Carroll (Dublin)

Oct 2020 Filed under: importing

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